Saturday, January 21, 2012

There will be diaries....

The poll is closed and the response of the vast majority of those of you who voted (as well as of those who commented) was that there should be Anti-Dress Diaries!  So there will be.  I hope to have the first one done by the end of the month. 

Thanks for voting!  Special thanks to the wonderful person who understood my mischievous impulse and voted for "zucchini."  :-)


  1. A delightful outcome! I'm very glad to hear it, and look forward to seeing the diaries!

    Parenthetically, I love zucchini. Especially grated into chocolate cake. Serious yum.... :)

    (Sharon Henderson, who can't seem to get her Google account to log in properly....)

    1. Hi, Sharon! Thanks for visiting.

      I added the "zucchini" choice for two reasons: to add a bit of humor to the poll itself, and to give voters a way of saying, "the details don't matter so much to me, so long as the diaries are fun."
