Monday, June 30, 2014

HSF Roundup

I am overwhelmed with how many projects the Dreamstress has managed to complete for the Historical Sew Fortnightly, even during a year where life is catching up to her much more than usual.  Of the twelve challenges presented by the Dreamstress for the first half of 2014, I have completed only these four:
  • #1: Make Do & Mend: due January 1.   I added a strip onto the bottom of my Byzantine himation so that it would be properly long enough.  Not a lot of work was involved, but the result was very satisfying.

  • #5: Bodice - due March 15.  I made a "bog" blouse--a Bronze Age Scandinavian garment of which several examples have been found--from natural colored linen instead of wool.  Photographs of me wearing it may be seen here

  • #7: Tops & Toes – due April 15.   Of course, all I made was a simple pair of ancient Roman styled earrings, of which I need to get a better photograph, but you can see what they look like here.  

  • #9: Black and White – due May 15.  This was the ancient Egyptian "bag tunic" with the simple trim.  I only finished it this past weekend, and have yet to ask my husband to take some photographs of me wearing it to post here.
However, I'm still optimistic.  I still intend to work on the sprang hairnet, the Vendel tunic, and the herringbone wool apron dress I planned to make for some of the early challenges, and I might actually get to complete them in time for some of the challenges later in 2014.   We'll see what I can manage to do as the year progresses.


  1. Well, you're doing better than me. So far, I've completed just one!

    I look forward to seeing the spang hairnet.

    1. Panth: I look forward to seeing the sprang hairnet too! I've never seen an actual piece of sprang work, only pictures. I'll be happy to manage even the most basic form of sprang.

  2. I'm quite overwhelmed by Leimomi's productivity too. However, I take the view that quality is better than quantity: I'd rather have a few projects that I'm really pleased with than go nuts trying to get every challenge done. There's just no way I can manage all the challenges.

    1. I agree with your point of view, Stella; what amazes me about Leimomi is that she keeps her quality so high, even with a large number and range of projects. Perhaps that's the thing I admire most about her.
